

Databases are where you can search for articles from journals, magazines and newspapers. Ebooks will also appear.


Discovery (except NewzText and Google Scholar).


Films On Demand


 Knowledge Basket

Elsevier ScienceDirect.jpg

 World Book Web Logo

GoogleScholar Freely accessible search engine. Use Discovery to check if we have the full text.

 English Language Resources

 Gale Use the In Context databases - Global Issues, Biography; Environmental Studies; Science; World History; Middle School - to locate resources with reading levels by using advanced search for each invididual database.

 World Book Web Logo  

WBO contains 1000s of encyclopedia articles, rich multimedia. It includes an Activity Centre.



When you access a database off-campus you will be asked to login with your OpenAthens username (your IPU email address) and password. You will then need to activate your account, by following the emailed instructions. Are you a current student or staff member and need OpenAthens? Email library@ipu.ac.nz to arrange for access.

Note that:

Password length must be between 8 and 20 characters and contain a mix of letters and characters that are not letters.

Passwords are case sensitive.

Forgotten password?

Go to:

When used an email is sent to you with an activation link that will let you choose a new password. This does not disable the account and access will continue to work with the old password until a new one is set. Remember to use your IPU email address.

The forgotten password page will not work for accounts that have never been activated.