

An International Business major will provide you with an understanding of fundamental business disciplines, and integrate these providing the skills necessary, to face the complex demands of a globalised business environment.

Globalisation has changed the way international business is conducted, with countries uniting to reduce barriers to business across national boundaries. Students gain a solid grounding in practical business concepts that places equal emphasis on both theory and application. The study of contemporary international business will equip students with the relevant experience to seek employment in both international companies and small business.



International Business students can choose to study general business, which gives them a broad understanding of all aspects of the international business world. Or they can choose a specialisation to have a deeper understanding and skills in one particular area. These specialisations are Accounting, Management and Marketing.



Majoring in International Business will open a career pathway into the follow industries:

  • Accounting
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • International Business
  • International Trade
  • Investment
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Retail



Accountancy is one of the highest-paying jobs in New Zealand, and the Accountancy Pathway in our International Business Studies major can set you on the road to becoming an Accountant.

Students enrolled in this programme can apply to become a provisional Accounting Technician while they study. If you complete our Accountancy Pathway, and do an internship with an Accountancy firm, you can qualify as an Accounting Technician (an AT) with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ).


* These nine papers need to be taken to fulfil the requirements for the CAANZ Accounting Technician Pathway.
Compulsory paper for all BCIS students.
