
Japanese Language and Culture

Where to look for information about Japanese language and culture.



 (NB: other areas may also have relevant material)

 Japanese Corner/Collection

Material written in the Japanese language is held in the following collections:

Fiction material, including Manga is held in the Japanese corner.

Graded readers and non-fiction is held in the Japanese collection, at the end of the non-fiction collection

Non-Fiction collection

952 - Japan, history and travel

306.0952 - Japanese culture

338.952 - Japanese politics

327.51052- Japanese foreign relations

702.52 - Japanese art

495.65 - Japanese language

495.682421 - Learning Japanese

495.6 - Written Japanese

895.6 - Japanese literature (poetry, fiction, drama) also check the Fiction collection

791.433 & 306.0952- Manga and anime art

Print Journals 

          New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 

Graphic novels

Includes English translations of Japanese manga. Some manga are also held in the original Japanese (located in the Japanese Corner).