

Busy Week for the Business Innovation Club

Last week was a busy one for the IPU New Zealand student-organised Business Innovation Club.

On Monday, they hosted Lainey Te Whatu from Rocket Fuel Design to speak on "Brand Identity on Social Media". Our students were joined by Nelson Harper, founder of Precycle NZ, and Ashlee Lockwood from Massey University Student Enterprise - MUSE.

On the following Wednesday, it was the turn of IPU New Zealand lecturer, Glen Hepburn, who addressed the group on the topic of "Storytelling Skills for Start-Ups".

IPU New Zealand are very proud, and supportive, of the work the Business Innovation Club carries out. Not only does the Club show considerable initiative, but by engaging with the local business community, they are building on the knowledge they obtain from their studies, which will help prepare their members for their chosen career after they graduate.

Kia mau tonu te mahi.


Business Innovation Club - Lainey Te Whatu from Rocket Fuel Design - June 2023.jpeg

Business Innovation Club - Glen Hepburn - June 2023.jpeg

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