Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Staff
For the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for students, click here
Desk Reserves
How do I make a Library resource available to all students equally?
- You are welcome to place materials on Desk Reserve. These are kept behind the Library desk. Students may borrow and use the resource in the library, but cannot take it away with them.
- How do I place materials on Desk Reserve?
Bring items for Desk Reserve to the Information Desk. You will need to advise which paper the items are for and how long you wish to reserve them. It can take a couple of days for library staff to process new Desk Reserve items.
Teaching/Meeting Rooms
What is available?
- We have two tutorial/meeting rooms available:
Library Room 1 (Lib1) is the larger room with a data projector fixed to the ceiling. It comfortably seats 20-25 people around tables. It contains a roll-up screen, projector, whiteboard, computer and whiteboard.
Library Room 2/ Career Centre (Lib2) is the slightly smaller room. It comfortably seats 12-15 people around tables. It contains a whiteboard, TV, and computer.
- Library Room 3 (Lib3) is available for small meetings - it can hold about five people.
- Who can book the tutorial/meeting rooms?
Current students and staff at IPU New Zealand. - How do I book a Tutorial Room?
Contact us with the room you wish to book, time and duration required. Bookings are display on a small whiteboard outside Lib1. Rooms are booked on a first come, first served basis. Rooms may be booked by staff for a semester at a time.
Library Tutorials are provided on request. These include:
- Library tour/orientation
- Library catalogue - finding materials on the shelf
- Introduction to database searching
- Internet search skills
- Database search skills
- APA referencing
Teaching Materials
- Who orders textbooks for a paper?
Lecturer's (excluding ESL) are responsibile for ordering textbooks required for their classes. They must discuss their requirements with the Director - Academic and then provide a signed textbook requisition form to the Senior Library Assistant. If possible, it is best to order textbooks six weeks before term starts.
Interloaning Materials
- How do I get a book (or other resource) from another library?
Email with the details of your request (minimum requirements: title, author, year). Article requests normally take up to two days to get filled while book requests can take up to a week.
Copyright & Licensing
- What do I need to know about copyright and licensing requirements at IPU New Zealand?
must be observed. Please contact IPU New Zealand Library for further advice. - We have a license with the Copyright Licensing Authority () and a .