

If you want to teach English as a second language, IPU New Zealand is the place to be. Study alongside students for whom English is a second or third language, learn what it means to study another language yourself, and be trained by industry experts. Being bilingual (or trilingual) gives you the ability to work with a wider variety of students.

IPU New Zealand is only one of two Trinity London accredited centres in New Zealand. Classroom teaching experience sets our course apart.  You could work in a multinational English school or work alongside your students as a private tutor to enhance their learning and prepare them for the modern world.



IPU New Zealand has pathways built into our programmes of study tailored to get you to the career of your dreams. The below information can give you the starting point for creating your best results from your qualification.



  • English Teachers
  • Teaching young learners


  • Careers Counsellor
  • Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher
  • Education Adviser
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Education Managers
  • Education Reviewer
  • Primary School Teacher
  • Private Tutors and Teachers
  • Regional Education Manager
  • Training and Development Professional


BCIS - Japanese Studies major

[Degree, Level 7] 

Take these core papers:

30.501 Principles of Economics
40.501 Introduction to Environmental Sustainability
50.501 Introduction to International Relations
90.501 Research Skills 1
90.601 Research Skills 2
90.602 Internationalism
90.701A Interdisciplinary Project A (Teaching in Japan or Japanese society topic) 
90.701B Interdisciplinary Project B (Teaching in Japan or Japanese society topic)

Progress your Japanese language skills by taking papers such as:

Levels 5 to 7 Reading
Levels 5 to 7 Writing
Levels 5 to 7 Listening 
Levels 5 to 7 Speaking
Levels 5 to 7 English to Japanese Translation 
Level 7 Japanese to English Translation

Widen your understanding of Japanese culture by taking papers such as:

10.612 Asia-Pacific Cultures through Literary texts
20.711 Social Conflict in Modern Japan

Deepen your knowledge of Japanese history by taking papers such as:

20.511 Japanese Civilisation 1
20.513 History of Modern Japan

Choose from these relevant education and teaching electives:

10.511 Intercultural Communication
10.505 Introduction to Language and Communication
10.514 Communication in the Globalised World
10.515 The Study of Language
10.616 Introduction to Language Teaching
10.617 Introduction to Language Learning
10.714 Teaching Young Learners
10.715 Structure of Modern English for TESOL

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BCIS - TESOL and Language Studies major with TESOL industry certification

[Degree, Level 7]

Take these core papers:

30.501 Principles of Economics
40.501 Introduction to Environmental Sustainability
50.501 Introduction to International Relations
90.501 Research Skills 1
90.601 Research Skills 2
90.602 Internationalism
90.701A Interdisciplinary Project A (Teaching in Japan or Japanese society topic) 
90.701B Interdisciplinary Project B (Teaching in Japan or Japanese society topic)

Take these key TESOL papers:

10.505 Introduction to Language and Communication
10.515 The Study of Language
10.616 Introduction to Language Teaching
10.617 Introduction to Language Learning
10.614 English as an international language
10.713A Introduction to TESOL A*
10.713B Introduction to TESOL B*
10.715 Structure of Modern English for TESOL

Choose from these relevant education and teaching electives:

10.511 Intercultural Communication
10.513 Professional Communication
10.514 Communication in the Globalised world
10.714 Teaching Young Learners
90.605 Organisation Management and Culture
90.612 Professional Internship Project (classroom placement)

Or try learning Japanese.

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BCIS - Japanese Studies major with TESOL industry certification

[Degree, Level 7] 

Take these core papers:

30.501 Principles of Economics
40.501 Introduction to Environmental Sustainability
50.501 Introduction to International Relations
90.501 Research Skills 1
90.601 Research Skills 2
90.602 Internationalism
90.701A Interdisciplinary Project A (Teaching in Japan or Japanese Society topic) 
90.701B Interdisciplinary Project B (Teaching in Japan or Japanese Society topic)

Progress your Japanese language skills by taking papers such as:

Levels 5 to 7 Reading
Levels 5 to 7 Writing
Levels 5 to 7 Listening 
Levels 5 to 7 Speaking
Levels 5 to 7 English to Japanese Translation 
Level 7 Japanese to English Translation

Widen your understanding of Japanese culture by taking papers such as:

10.612 Asia-Pacific Cultures Through Literary Texts
20.711 Social Conflict in Modern Japan

Deepen your knowledge of Japanese history by taking papers such as:

20.513 History of Modern Japan

Choose from these relevant education and teaching electives:

10.511 Intercultural Communication
10.505 Introduction to Language and Communication
10.514 Communication in the Globalised World
10.515 The Study of Language
10.616 Introduction to Language Teaching
10.617 Introduction to Language Learning
10.714 Teaching Young Learners
10.715 Structure of Modern English for TESOL
90.612 Professional Internship Project (classroom placement)


Take the Trinity TESOL Certificate over summer term in Year 2 or 3.

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GDCIS - Teaching focus with TESOL industry certification

[Graduate Diploma, Level 7] 

Take three Level 6 and 5 Level 7 papers from these key education and teaching papers:

10.616 Introduction to Language Teaching
10.617 Introduction to Language Learning
10.614 English as an International Language
90.612 Professional Internship Project (classroom placement)
90.601 Research Skills 2
10.714 Teaching Young Learners
10.713A Introduction to TESOL A*
10.713B Introduction to TESOL B*
10.715 Structure of Modern English for TESOL
90.701A Interdisciplinary Project A (education or teaching topic) 
90.701B Interdisciplinary Project B (education or teaching topic)

Other relevant electives:

90.602 Internationalism
90.605 Organisation Management and Culture
10.612 Asia-Pacific Cultures Through Literary Texts

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Sources:  ,    Some outcomes may need additional certifications or have additional requirements. Not all papers available every semester.
