
Services & Facilities



Library Card: Your student/staff ID card is also your Library card. Please present it at the Issues Desk to borrow items.

Number of items: There is no limit to the number of items that may be borrowed, except for movies and English language testing resources. There is a limit of six movies at one time, and three TOEIC or IELTS books.

Borrowing time: Four weeks for fiction and non-fiction books. one week for magazines, TOEIC and IELTS books, two weeks for DVDs.

Renewals: You can renew your loans three times before they must be sighted, providing no-one else has reserved them. Log in to "My Library" from the Library catalogue to do this.

Reserving items: Items that are on loan or are being processed may be reserved. Search the Library catalogue and mark records of interest on the results list by clicking on checkbox to the right of each item. Then use the "List" feature (top left of results list) to "Reserve."


If a required book or article is not available from the Library or subscribed databases, we will try to borrow it from elsewhere. Send details of your request via email. The turn-around for articles is normally only a couple of working days. 

Desk Reserve

Items in high demand are placed by lecturers in our Desk Reserve Collection. These are available for use in the Library during opening hours.

Meeting Rooms

Students and staff may book the Lib1, Lib2 or Lib3 rooms for group work, classes and meetings. Phone extension 855, or ask at the Information Desk. Bookings for the day are displayed on the whiteboard outside Lib1.

Japanese Corner

Situated next to the tutorial rooms, it contains Japanese language materials, including manga, fiction and picture books. The non-fiction Japanese books are located at the end of the non-fiction in the main collection.

Information Literacy

Library staff provide orientation tours and induction to new students and staff. Tutorials available include sessions on information literacy, database searching and APA referencing. Please contact the Library for further details.

Reference Services

For students

Research: We can provide you with tips and tricks to help you formulate effective literature searches, select materials from authoritative sources, and help you think outside-the-square when it comes to locating and retrieving information.

For staff

Research: Want to research a topic for class but simply don't have the time? We can undertake professional searches on your behalf.

Topic Update Alerts

We can show you how to use alerting services to automatically receive the latest information on a topic of interest - great for staying current when undertaking ongoing research.

Just ask us how, visit the Information Desk, email library@ipu.ac.nz or phone us on extension 855 to make an appointment.


IPU New Zealand Library welcomes visitors. Members of the community can browse the collection. All visitors must sign in at Administration prior to visiting between the hours of 8.30am and 5pm on weekdays. Computer access and photocopying is not available for visitors. IPU New Zealand policies and procedures must be adhered to while on campus.